4 Apr, 2022 | Applewhite Alex | No Comments
What the chinning bar is for: what exercises it is suitable for

The Chinning Bar is the most famous workout equipment. Despite its apparent simplicity, you can perform an endless number of exercises on it for different muscle groups. We will tell you about the main ones.
Pulling up on the chinning bar
Pulling up on the chin-up involves nearly all the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle: the broad back, trapezius and rhomboid muscles, biceps, forearms, shoulder and posterior deltoid muscles:
Classical pull-ups with straight grip
Initial position: hanging on the horizontal bar with palms up, hands slightly wider than shoulders.
- inhale;
- While tensing the back and arm muscles, pull your body up until your chin is above the bar;
- lower your body down until your arms are straight;
- exhale;
- repeat the exercise.
Keep your body straight throughout the entire movement; do not sway. Do not stretch your neck out to reach the bar: this limits the range of motion and therefore reduces the effectiveness of the workout.
If you are not yet sufficiently trained, perform this exercise with an assistant.
Pull-ups with a wide grip
This exercise actively works the broadest muscles of the back, which make your back wider and stronger.
Starting position: hanging on the chinning bar, grip wide with the palms of your hands on top.
- Inhale;
- Tensing your back muscles and arms, pull your body up until your chin is above the bar;
- lower your body down until your arms are straight;
- exhale;
- repeat the exercise.
Keep your body straight throughout the entire movement, do not sway or stretch your neck to reach the bar: this limits the range of motion and therefore the effectiveness of the workout.
- Pulling up with a wide grip behind the head
- Pull-ups with a narrow grip from above
- Reverse grip pull-ups
- Pull-ups until the chest touches the chin-up bar
- Pull-ups until the chin-up bar touches the stomach
- Power output
Abdominal exercises
It’s not obvious, but it’s a fact: the chinning bar is one of the best abdominal exercises you can do. You can perform several different leg lifts on it, depending on your level of training and desire.
- Knees to the chest
- Straight leg raise to a right angle
- Angle hold
- Straight leg raise to the bar