In fact, the whole workout is built around two basic exercises: pull-ups and push-ups. Pull-ups and push-ups are the base without which it makes no sense to talk about everything else. These exercises engage two thirds of the body: chest, back, shoulders, arms. For a more harmonious development of the whole body, you need to add abs and leg exercises to them. Our top 6 vorkout exercises:
- Classic pull ups with medium grip. This exercise is familiar to most of us from school. In most schools, students pass a test on pull-ups in gym class. This exercise is the foundation of the basics. Having mastered pull-ups it is possible to pass to more difficult exercises: power output, front weight, horizon.
- Pulling up with wide grip. This is a variant of the classic pulling-up. It is performed with grip much wider than shoulders. This increases the load on the broadest muscles of back.
Push-ups from the floor. This exercise is as well known as the classical pull-ups. And it is not less effective, but it is focused on other muscles: chest, triceps, abs.
- push-ups on bars. One of the most popular and effective exercises on the floor. But we recommend to move to it only after you have learned how to do push-ups from the floor at least 30 times. An untrained person can easily get injured.
- Leg raises on the chinning bar. Although abs are indirectly engaged in previous exercises, especially push-ups from the floor, we still recommend including a leg raise on the chin-up bar in your workout. It is one of the best abdominal exercises: if you can choose any one, it is better to stop on it.
- Squats. Even those who consider themselves professionals in floor exercise often “forget” about their legs. Such guys usually have very powerful upper body and thin legs. As a rule, they “forget” about legs consciously: those who do walkout professionally do not need strong legs. Because it reduces their results both in power exercises, and in dynamic exercises. But we write for those who want to start doing walkouts for health and a beautiful harmoniously developed body, so we advise not to forget about legs. Squats: the simplest and most effective exercise for legs.