There are three categories.
Exercises to increase the volume of muscle mass. For example, for arms (shoulders, triceps, etc.) and pecs – push-ups from the floor, for abs – raising legs while hanging on the bar. Do not forget to include your imagination – variation in power walking is very important. With time the body gets used to monotonous load, and the way to the desired result is suspended. Fantasize over the technique. Only without fanaticism. The main thing is the quality, not the number of repetitions.
Running and aerobic loads. Can be used only in the warm-up phase. It is cool to include elements of circuit training in a walkout: dilute strength with cardio intervals. Scheme: arm yourself with a timer and alternate segments, for example, at a ratio of 5 minutes to 1.
Tricks .
The most creative category. Only traumatic. Represents the performance of complex elements on the bar and bars. Among them:
- the king’s strength exit;
- the demon exit on the horizontal bar;
- captain’s exit on the horizontal bar;
- stool;
- typewriter;
- superman push-ups;
- the god walk.
The names of the exercises sound very promising. But a fitness novice is unlikely to be able to do a single repetition.