18 Jan, 2021 | Applewhite Alex | No Comments
Harms and tips to prevent the negative effects of workout

All people need physical activity. But, if unwise, sports have a downside – harm to physical and mental health.
The development of addictive behaviors
Constant exercise causes the body to produce endorphins, hormones secreted by the pituitary gland to block pain, reduce anxiety, and create feelings of euphoria and happiness. Endorphins are chemically similar to the drug morphine, so in some people constant exercise can form a psychological addiction.
For regular exercisers, especially bodybuilders, triathletes, and walkers, a sudden reduction or cessation of exercise (sometimes even skipping one workout) can lead to depression, stress, and anxiety. Insurmountable cravings for exercise sometimes lead to failure to fulfill family obligations, social tasks due to a strong “need” for exercise, and anxiety that physical fitness will be lost due to a day of missing exercise.
In that case, doing a walkout turns from a way to achieve the benefits of the sport to feeling stuck in a rut.
Dedicate one day a week when you are not exercising or exercise is not related to a familiar structure. Master a new sport, switch to something fresh. Try alternative ways to satisfy your brain, including cooking, wine tasting, music, new books, social activities. If you find a pathological craving for exercise, consider cognitive behavioral therapy.
Body perception disorders
Body dysmorphic disorder is a pathology in which a person is overly concerned about a perceived physical defect, such as too little muscle in the arms. This can lead to hard, hard workouts to “correct the flaw,” even if the joints are damaged. If the person decides he or she has a “gross defect,” depression, social anxiety, and sometimes a complete refusal to be present in public occur.
Learn to accept yourself for who you are. Recognize that you criticize yourself without reason. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, but obsessing over appearances is a mental aberration.
Damage to your joints.
Because exercise is addictive, some athletes continue endurance training despite the continued destruction of worn-out joints. Of course, joints can be “repaired” for the duration of athletic events with bandages, elastic bandages, and cortisol shots. Over time, there is chronic pain in the affected areas and the need for surgical treatment of the joint.
Avoid exercising in only one plane of motion. Try to target a wide range of muscles with well-constructed exercise patterns. Don’t just try to get over the pain; only start exercising after the joint has fully recovered.
People who have never done a walkout before should approach training with caution. One of the causes of dizziness is poor preparation of the vestibular apparatus.
Each workout should begin with a 15-minute warm-up. The ligaments will warm up, ready for the strain. Training for beginners includes different variants of push-ups, pull-ups, other exercises to develop endurance and strength.
Beginner gymnasts should use reduced amplitudes, that is, perform the exercise only in the half of the movement. When performing complex elements, the insurance of a partner is recommended.