21 Sep, 2020 | Applewhite Alex | No Comments
5 reasons why the future is not in fitness, but in workout

No cost
And this does not mean that you do not invest in your physical improvement. You hardly spend half your salary on a walkout class. All you need is comfortable sports clothes and sneakers. No subscriptions or any other financial investment. Out on the street in a sports uniform – ready to work out!
A Beautiful Body
Street workouts for all their simplicity are quite diverse – experienced amateurs have a fairly large arsenal of exercises. In addition, they are selected in such a way as to harmoniously develop the entire body. It is a myth that fans of street workouts have legs behind hands – with regular performance of a set of exercises, strength indicators increase, and in combination with proper nutrition you can achieve relief no worse than in the gym.
A healthy lifestyle
The absence of additional weights will help to avoid unnecessary injuries and not to overstrain. Combined with a healthy diet, exercising outdoors will not only help make your body more attractive, but will also have a positive impact on your well-being. And most importantly, you’ll spend more time outdoors! Opportunity to compete
Of course, walkout is not included in the Olympic program and not yet officially recognized as a sport, but anyway it is: there are even competitions on walkout! This means that if you are training on the street you can set yourself a goal and achieve it. If you want – you will fight for the champion of the yard, if you want – you will reach the contender for the title of the world champion!
The company of like-minded people.
Today Workout is a movement, thousands of people who strive to develop their bodies and go out into the streets to train and inspire each other with their results.
Street athletics is not just a sport discipline, but rather a life philosophy of multifaceted personal development, of which street training is a part. Its main idea is to use ordinary, accessible outdoor sports grounds and equipment to first gain confidence and strength and then use them to change your life and the lives of those around you.